On October 1, 2024 the RACG FSC certificate will be transferred from SGS North America (SGSNA) to a different certification body, SCS. Though there is work required to switch certification bodies, we periodically review our certification contract to ensure that you get the best rate, with the least hassle, possible. There were many behind the scenes issues with SGS that were the primary cause of our search at this juncture, with SCS being the hands-down best option during this review cycle.
What does this mean for you?
The RACG FSC certificate code will change from SGSCH-COC-005576. The new updated code will be provided to you in an upcoming email. Please watch for this! You will need to make this change in your systems and internal processes so that all outgoing invoices and shipping documentation reflect this new ce1tification code. We strongly recommend that you continue to use yonr current one- or two-digit sub-code at the end of the certificate code (those will not change).
The RACG FSC Trademark License Code (FSC® C103525) will not change; the FSC logos you nse for your customer's jobs and your own promotional uses remain the same. This also means that the FSC label generator will continue to nse the same login.
The biggest change will be those few members still using SFI Certification. RACG will no longer be providing SFI as a certification option as it is no longer financially viable as so few members are using it.
The next big change to be aware of is that FSC trademark approvals will now be submitted through a trademark portal. On October 1· 2024, you will need to begin submitting your trademark submissions. SCS provides a 24-hour response time. Your specific login information for trademark submissions will be shared with you prior to October 1'1.
Our documentation set is currently being revised to accommodate the new certifier information, as well as other FSC requirements. A separate email will be sent shortly to Primary FSC contacts for each member with a link to the updated documentation set. If you need to have additional contacts within your organization receive this transition email, please let know as soon as possible. The documentation set should be reviewed at your earliest convenience.
The price for your RACO FSC audit will not change, however on January 1, 2025, all RACO members will be billed for their audit (same rate of $1895.00 yearly) PLUS FSC's AAF (Annual Administration Fee). This will be based on your annual forest product sales (Annual Forest Product Revenue x $40.00 = AAF fee). Please see the below RACO Member Fee Schedule and contact Caroline Wawrzyniec at 716-691-3211 with any questions.