Reaching Your Future Workforce — High School Open Houses

Center of Applied Technology North (CATN) 2016 Printing Technologies Open HouseWhen taking an inventory of a company’s list of priorities, developing a pipeline of future entry level employees probably doesn’t rank high on the list. In fact, it may not be on the list at all. However, if you can spare a couple hours a year you can go a long way towards reaching your future workforce.

The pipeline for tomorrow’s workforce begins with middle school students and their parents, but from an Industry standpoint there are few opportunities to engage this group efficiently. One of the best ways for printing companies to reach this group is to participate in high school open houses for programs that teach printing and graphics. There are 19 such programs located around the state.

Open house is a chance for programs to make their pitch to interested middle school students and their parents. A successful open house is alive with activity and looks interesting. Current students are on hand to show visitors the kinds of things that they can expect to do if they enroll in the program. They also make things for visiting students to walk away with as a reminder of the visit. Parents need to be assured that their students will be involved in a program that has pathways to an industry that is stable and provides decent wages. Ideally Industry representatives are on hand to demonstrate that they are interested in the program.

On October 6, the Center of Applied Technology North (CATN) held their annual open house. The Printing Technology program was on full display with current students demonstrating equipment and giving tours. Program graduates were on hand to share their experiences working in industry and attending college. Printing samples from last year’s Excellence in Print competition were also on display to show the connection between what students learn in class and the types of work that graduates can be involved with when they go to work in industry. Traffic was steady and visitors and parents were engaged and upbeat. The event presented an opportunity to meet over 100 students and parents. All in all, the evening was a success!

If you would like more information about high school programs that teach graphics and printing in your area and how you can get involved in reaching your future workforce, contact Paul Foster by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at (410) 319-0900.

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