Noted Sales Guru, Bill Farquharson brings the Sales Vault to PGAMA members

You told us, “We need sales!” and PGAMA has responded with this new and exciting resource. We urge you to take full advantage of this partnership between PGAMA and Bill Farquharson.

You have read his articles and maybe even tuned into his blog, now is an opportunity to tap into this valuable resource in an exclusive offer to PGAMA members, Bill, who has been a friend of the PGAMA for many years and is known to our members as a sales trainer and content-creator for the Graphic Arts, has created the

Sales Vault .

The Sales Vault is a resource for salespeople and selling owners featuring:

       Live online courses on sales-specific topics, such as:

           Time Management

           Prospecting for Introverts

           Social Media Basics

           Leveraging social media for Sales

           Overcoming Objections

           Selling to Vertical Markets (Banks, Hospitals, etc)

           How to Create an Effective Prospecting Process

           Selling Digital/Inkjet Printing

           Titles rotate in and out each month. Click here for the upcoming line up.

       Weekly peer group sales discussions.

       Downloadable sales tools such as prospecting letters and voicemail scripts.

Activate your free 30-day membership and take a live course or view the archived training content (videos, articles, columns, blogs, podcasts) available 24/7.

The monthly street cost of The Vault is $35/participant. As a PGAMA member, you receive 30 days free followed by a discounted monthly rate of $30/participant. Note: You must access The Vault via this link in order to receive this exclusive benefit.

Click here to learn more about The Sales Vault and then use this link to register. If you have any questions, Bill can also be reached at 781-934-7036 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have any additional questions contact Jay Goldscher, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 410-319-0900

In January, 2021 our Executive Committee participated in a presentation with PRINTING United Alliance ( PrUA ) President, Ford Bowers. In it, Bowers outlined his vision in regard to the affiliate, national relationship. While we understand Ford’s reasoning, it is a direction that we believe would eventually eliminate or reduce our capacity to provide many of the local services, industry connections, networking, and value that is the core of our relationship with you, our members. Additionally, the proposal called for a commonality of services offered across the country which, in our opinion, doesn’t recognize the unique value that each of the affiliates bring to their members.

After a thorough review of the Printing United Alliance (PrUA) proposal, The Board of Directors of PGAMA, voted unanimously to reject the proposal and instead asked that both parties go back to the agreement in place, or craft a new mutually acceptable agreement. That offer was rejected by PrUA on March 12, 2021 and they unilaterally ended our relationship as of April 30, 2021.

What does this mean to PGAMA members?

Services that have been provided through our national affiliation including Environmental Health and Safety and National Government Affairs and Advocacy, are of importance to some of our members and be assured that steps are already being taken to replace and even enhance such services. Existing programs like PrintEd, Wage and Benefit Survey, FSC and SFI certification, Printers 401K, Printers Disability Trust and Print Access, as well many of our buying programs and member benefits, are under the auspices of the regional print associations, not the national organization, and will remain so.

You have our pledge of a redoubled effort to continually search for ways that we can support your company and bring additional value to your membership. As always, we encourage you to connect with PGAMA for any business and industry questions and concerns.

PGAMA was an early proponent of the merger of PIA and SGIA into Printing United Alliance and we were excited thinking about the possibilities that would result from the bringing together of these iconic brands and welcome into our organization print communities, that had, until this point, never had regional affiliation or representation. PGAMA continues to support the concept of a united industry on a local, regional and national level and hopes that somehow the path that PrUA has chosen is only temporary.

We are in the process of scheduling a webinar to answer any and all questions you may have. You can send your questions ahead of time to me,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or call my cell 443-799-6767.

Very truly yours,

Jay Goldscher, President of PGAMA

This information comes from PGAMA member,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CPA, CVAThe Becker Group/TMDL CPA’s
Dir line 443-569-4616,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Employee Retention Tax Credit
Another Federal Government program to help employers through the pandemic by providing a significant payroll tax reduction based on # of employees in a quarter.
Eligibility for 2021:
1)Sales reduction:
-To receive a tax credit based on # of employees in Q1 2021,
must have at least a 20% decrease in sales (same definition of sales as for PPP 2)in either Q4 2020 vs Q4 2019, or Q1 2021 vs Q1 2019.
-To receive a tax credit for Q2 2021, must have at least a 20% decrease in sales in either Q1 2021 vs Q1 2019, or Q2 2021 vs Q2 2019
-To receive a tax credit for Q3 2021, must have at least a 20% decrease in sales in either Q2 2021 vs Q2 2019, or Q3 2021 vs Q3 2019
-To receive a tax credit for Q4 2021, must have at least a 20% decrease in sales in either Q3 2021 vs Q3 2019, or Q4 2021 vs Q4 2019
2)# of employees must be less than 500
3)If donot meet the sales reduction requirement, can also be eligible if company was required to partially or fully suspend operations in 2020 by order of your state or local government.
Tax Credit:
Calculation: Up to $7,000 per employee per quarter based on quarterly gross wages for each employee per quarterly payroll tax Form 941 plus employer paid health care costs (maximum payroll cost of $10,000 at 70%)
Example:  if 20 employees are reported on Form 941 for Q1 2021 that each earn at least 10,000 including health care costs for the quarter, then credit for Q1 2021 is $140,000 ($200,000 x 70%,or 20 x $7,000).
If payroll stayed the same for each quarter in 2021, then thetotal credit for 2021 will be $560,000 ($140,000 x 4 quarters).
How to access the tax credit:
-The credit is a line item on the quarterly payroll tax return Form 941. This credit is refundable and will paid to your company by the IRS.
Or, in anticipation of receiving the credit, you may stop remitting payroll tax deposits in a quarter up to the projected credit amount, therefore $$ will be obtained immediately. Also, any available credit can be applied to the next quarter to allow for stoppage of payroll tax deposits in the next quarter in lieu of waiting for an IRS refund check.
Also, if payroll tax deposits are stopped and there is still a projected quarterly credit available, you can file Form 7200 to receive the credit in advance of filing Form 941.
Other Rules:
-If you acquired a company in 2021, can include acquired company’s sales into the 2019 quarterly sales calculation.
-No double-dipping of wages and health care costs: If $10,000 is used for the quarterly credit calculation, then cannot use the same $10,000 for the PPP2 loan forgivenesscalculation.
Note: it is expected that this limitation will not adversely affect the forgiveness calculation since there are 24 weeks available in the covered forgiveness period with the requirement that at least 60% of the loan amount be used for payroll costs, and supplier costs are now eligible to help fulfill the 40% requirement. Also, wages in 2021 prior to the receipt of thePPP2 loan can be used in full for the credit calculation.
-Covid related sick leave reimbursed by the IRS is excluded from wages for the credit calculation.
Eligibility for 2020:
-Must have a 50% decrease in sales vs 2019 (quarter vs quarter).
-Maximum Credit is $5,000 per employee per year (not per quarter) and calculated at a maximum payroll cost per employee of $10,000 x 50%.
-Can file retroactively by amending Form 941 and filing Form 941-X. Wages submitted for PPP1 loan forgiveness can be modified to take maximum advantage of the creditandloan forgiveness without resubmitting the forgiveness application.
Note: the above rules for 2021 are subject to change upon guidance yet to be released by the  IRS (as of March 22, 2021).

PGAMA Upcoming Events

Offices Closed

02 Sep 2024

Crab Feast

12 Sep 2024
05:30PM - 09:00PM

Virgnia Golf

26 Sep 2024

Basic Finance For Managers - Balance Sheet

10 Oct 2024
01:00PM - 02:00PM

Mail Design Consultant Workshop

21 Oct 2024

Basic Finance For Managers - Income Statement

24 Oct 2024
01:00PM - 02:00PM

Basic Finance For Managers - Cash Flow

31 Oct 2024
01:00PM - 05:00PM

Basic Finance For Managers - Break-Even Calc.

07 Nov 2024
01:00PM - 02:00PM

Member Benefits

  • Educate through workshops, seminars and employee training.
  • Communicate though regular publications and networking events.
  • Advocate for business and industry on the local, regional and national stage.

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PGAMA offers a variety of seminars and workshops focused on professional development.

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We are dedicated to meeting the ongoing workforce needs of our industry by sponsoring and participating in activities that encourage qualified workers to enter the industry.

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Other valuable resources you can use.


"Developing a network of like-minded colleagues takes valuable time and energy. I’m so grateful that I am entrenched with PGAMA because they provide those important networking opportunities for me on a regular basis. I link up with colleagues, friends and make important connections that really make a positive impact on my business."

~ Rusty Coolidge, DCG One

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